I am three months old today, and a lot has changed since I was born! First of all, I've gotten kind of fat. I started out big and just kept going--just look at these chubby thighs!

I've realized that I've got it pretty good here at my house. I have constant love, hugs, and entertainment with my big sister and brother around.

I occasionally have to let them know when I've had enough, but most of the time they're pretty cool to have around.
I've discovered that I have hands and that they're good for lots of things. I can suck on them when I'm tired, which helps when I can't find my paci and mommy's not there to give it to me. I can also grab things with them, like my crib mirror or my sister's hair.

I can even rub my little eyes with them to let mommy know that I'm ready for a nap. Which is another neat thing that I've discovered in the three months I've been alive--I can take a nap! Mommy was especially excited when I made this discovery. I don't have to stay awake all day and fuss, fuss, fuss. Now that I'm a big girl, I go right to sleep when it's nap time! I am also learning to sleep all night long. I don't do it every night (I've got to keep those parents of mine on their toes) but more often than not, I let them get a good night's sleep! Mommy says I'm a pretty good baby. Not much upsets me. I love to look at me in the mirror. I also like to sit in my bouncy seat and watch everything that's going on around me. My bath is lots of fun, especially when Lydia and Nathan come to watch me.

There are a couple of things that I don't like. The first one is tummy time. I think it's a ridiculous idea, but I think I've found a way to get around it. I'm trying really, really hard to roll back over when Mommy puts me on my tummy! The second thing I don't like is the vacuum cleaner. It's so scary and loud.
There is one thing that I haven't quite managed yet, and that's laughing. I try so hard, because everything around here is prettty funny, but it just won't come out. But I'll keep trying. Well, I hear Mommy getting a bottle ready for me, so I had better go. Blogging is fun, but eating is better. And after that, I'll have a nice long nap--it's good being me!
Love it. Isn't a baby's world just precious? Thank you, Lily, for letting me know a little bit more about you. Enjoy your sweet life and know that you have it REALLY good - with a momma like Beth, and a daddy like Matt, you have a great life in the making!