I have so many things to tell you about my life. First of all, I am very upset with my mother. I have been one for almost two months, and she has not had any time to put pictures of me on our blog for you all to see. I don't know why she doesn't have time. I'm a good baby and never get into things I'm not supposed to! She did have time to make me a birthday cake and invite some of my friends over to celebrate with me.
She also had time to buy me a few birthday presents and make me my very own birthday stocking. I got new pajamas and new sippy cups for my birthday, since I am too big for bottles now. I also got some yummy snacks, but as you can see, I have a hard time keeping my brother away from my stuff, especially my treats.

Then they took us all on a walk down some beautiful trails. I got to ride on Daddy's shoulders--I love my Daddy!

I stay pretty busy most of the time. Mommy worries about me since I'm not really interested in learning how to walk. She keeps trying to get me to push this silly little toy around so that I can learn to walk behind it. I would rather push my high chair all over the house. Just because I can't walk yet doesn't mean I can't get what I want. I can crawl really, really fast. I can also climb things. Last week I learned to climb onto the couch. I do not like to stay where I am supposed to. Mommy moves things around to block the doorways so I can't get from one room to another. But I just move them back when she's not looking. I'm sneaky that way. I can say a couple of words now: Ma-ma and hi. I can wave hello and clap my hands when I do something I'm proud of!

Brother and Sister love this giant blue bathtub in the backyard. Today, I helped them fill it up with water. I wasn't sure that I wanted to get in when it was full--bathing in cold water doesn't seem like fun to me. I like to go outside, but the grass and concrete do not feel good on my knees. So I mostly get Mommy to push me around in my little pink car. I also like for Mommy to take me on walks around the neighborhood in my stroller.

And now, time for my nap. I love my nap. I have a little doll, a blanket, and sometimes a stuffed animal that I like to sleep with. I especially like to take a little cloth diaper to bed with me, because it is just the right size for me to hold on to while I'm sleeping. I'm a good sleeper now--I go right to bed and most mornings, I like to sleep late. Mommy thinks this is really nice!!

As you can see, my life is getting pretty interesting. I'm discovering new things every day, and life is so much fun! Next time you see me, I will have learned so much and will have so much more to tell you!
A few weeks after my birthday, Daddy and Mommy took me fishing. This was especially fun for me, since I was the only one who caught any fish.
Then they took us all on a walk down some beautiful trails. I got to ride on Daddy's shoulders--I love my Daddy!
I stay pretty busy most of the time. Mommy worries about me since I'm not really interested in learning how to walk. She keeps trying to get me to push this silly little toy around so that I can learn to walk behind it. I would rather push my high chair all over the house. Just because I can't walk yet doesn't mean I can't get what I want. I can crawl really, really fast. I can also climb things. Last week I learned to climb onto the couch. I do not like to stay where I am supposed to. Mommy moves things around to block the doorways so I can't get from one room to another. But I just move them back when she's not looking. I'm sneaky that way. I can say a couple of words now: Ma-ma and hi. I can wave hello and clap my hands when I do something I'm proud of!
Brother and Sister love this giant blue bathtub in the backyard. Today, I helped them fill it up with water. I wasn't sure that I wanted to get in when it was full--bathing in cold water doesn't seem like fun to me. I like to go outside, but the grass and concrete do not feel good on my knees. So I mostly get Mommy to push me around in my little pink car. I also like for Mommy to take me on walks around the neighborhood in my stroller.
And now, time for my nap. I love my nap. I have a little doll, a blanket, and sometimes a stuffed animal that I like to sleep with. I especially like to take a little cloth diaper to bed with me, because it is just the right size for me to hold on to while I'm sleeping. I'm a good sleeper now--I go right to bed and most mornings, I like to sleep late. Mommy thinks this is really nice!!
As you can see, my life is getting pretty interesting. I'm discovering new things every day, and life is so much fun! Next time you see me, I will have learned so much and will have so much more to tell you!